COVID-19 Updates

Our sport has faced unprecedented and unique challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our first concern for our dragon boat communities, during this time as always, is the health and safety of all athletes, coaches and support staff.

While there are no longer provincial mask mandates, Dragon Boat Canada is aware that racing events have led to incidences of COVID within teams and clubs. To ensure everyone’s health and safety DBC encourages teams to wear masks while marshalling and teams are encouraged to wear masks when at their tents. If anyone feels any symptoms of illness, please do not come to the race or practice site. 
DBC Officials are asked to wear masks when in in enclosed spaces as are volunteers when in close proximity with each other and athletes.  DBC feels that this is a good practice for all to follow at the present time.
  • All Officials and Volunteers in enclosed spaces are encouraged to wear masks
  • All Officials and Volunteers in the marshalling area are encouraged to wear masks
  • All Athletes, Support Staff, Officials and Volunteers are asked to wear masks whenever in close proximity with others.
  • Clubs and Events are encouraged to secure additional sanitization stations and have masks available
  • In some instances modifications to the marshalling area to reduce “bottle necks” and increase space between teams may be valuable in keeping individuals healthy
  • It may be worthwhile for events to review their awards process to reduce exposure.

Given the inability to predict future COVID impacts, we can anticipate that these plans are subject to change. We understand this creates additional challenges for our sport; we will continue to provide updates.

We encourage our members to remain informed through regular updates from health authorities and other governing agencies within their jurisdiction.