Group Sports At A Distance – It’s A Thing Now.

Safe Distance Water Sport
Water sports at a safe distance

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Major league sports, such as baseball and basketball have already shown the world that team sports may not be ready to come out of hiding from COVID. We are confident that with some modifications, sports can still be part of our regular routines.

In these times of COVID we have had many of our delights taken away or restricted. Time with friends and family, team mates and other team sports have been ripped away from us. How can we fulfill our need for group sports during these strange times?

It's important to stay safe so that we can return to normal as fast as possible, but we also want to give you the tools to find the social relief that only sports can provide.

Single Sports With Friends

You may be shaking your head thinking, how can single sports help a person's need for group interaction? They can! Yoga can be practiced at home or in the park – away from strangers and without a mask impeding your breathing.

Table tennis or wall tennis is also an excellent means of exercise. Lots of faced paced movement and cardio benefits! Competitive type? Not a worry, with paced paced single sports, you can compete against yourself. Time, speed or accuracy are all ways you can challenge yourself to make the individual sport more exciting.

Table Tennis For One

Challenge your friends or family to a race…at a distance. Have a step counter or fit bit? No? That's ok, there's an app for it as well. Use technology to your advantage – track your distance and the time it took you to run/bike/walk/paddle it. Can your friends beat it?

Single sports are vast. There are ones to suit every ability, even ones you can challenge friends and family to without putting anyone at risk.

Sports You Can Do At A Distance In Groups

Distant group sports was never something anyone ever thought they would have to do. But humans are adaptable. Yoga is a great example of exercise you can do with others at a safe distance – especially while the weather is nice.

Organize some friends to meet in a nice open space, one big enough to keep you all a safe distance apart. Have a yoga session surrounded by friends and beautiful scenery. It will allow you to fulfill your social needs and your physical needs while keeping the people you care about safe.

Outdoor Group Yoga

Paddle! Now there's a crazy idea! Get your team together, rent some canoes, kayaks, paddle boards, whatever you can get your hands on and paddle together. A group activity like this keeps your team at a distance from one another while getting you all out on the water.

Take the opportunity to train . Race each other, practice drills or just have fun. We have already seen so many of our amazing members do this on our Instagram feed. Get out there, get together and practice safe distancing.

Get your brain into sports. We all miss sitting together in our dragon boats, eager to race, to practice and be together. We can still do many of the things we love about dragon boat – we just need to modify it. Wear a mask to keep yourself and others safe and we'll be out on the water before we know it!

Modified sports will help keep our mental states in good shape as well as our bodies. We can be together, even if we're six feet apart.

Have you found an engaging way to keep sports a part of your regular routine? Share it with us! Dragon Boaters everywhere might be depending on it.

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