Restrictions are starting to ease, we can breath fresh air and see friends from a safe distance. What does this mean for Dragon Boat training?
It is important to keep in mind that easing restrictions does not mean that it is entirely safe to resume the lives we had before this pandemic. What it means is that our mental health and economy need support.
Dragon Boat Canada wants you to keep all of this in mind as we head back out on the water. It’s like that scene from Jaws, go play in the water, just do so with caution.
There will be many changes, which can be hard. Support your team members who may be struggling with these adaptations. You will have to keep your area’s laws about distance in mind as we move closer to a healthy return to Dragon Boat.
Heed Your City’s Guidelines
Each province and city will have different stipulations, we strongly recommend you check with your area’s governing body to be certain about the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of physical distancing. You don’t need a fine for being too eager to resume training.
Search on your government’s official website – do not rely on Facebook Bill to tell you that it’s safe to have a beach party.
As much as it may pain your team, if your area’s restrictions will not permit you all to be in one boat – don’t risk it. It may take the rest of the summer to be able to sit in the same boat as your team. We understand how difficult this possibility is.
What are the restrictions? Can you have 4 people in a boat, 6, 10? Knowing what you can do safely and legally will help your team plan your modified training strategy.
Modify and Get Creative
If your area permits social gatherings that abide by the 2 meter distance use this to your advantage. Chances are you all won’t be allowed into one boat, yet. Here’s your chance to flex those creative muscles (not just your bad ass Dragon Boat muscles).
How many people can you fit in the boat safely? How many team members reside in the same house hold? Can you use paddle boats, kayaks or canoes to create a make-shift physical distance dragon boat? Of course it won’t move the same, but it’s a chance to work together as a team.

What ever your team innovates, be sure to share it across your social media platforms. Tag us @dragonboatcanada and we will be sure to repost it! Let’s come together as purveyors of sport to help each other through this strange time.
In the Event of Further Restrictions
We have seen how quickly things can change during this pandemic, have a plan B. If your local government feels it is unsafe for your teams to practice, abide by their rules (restrictions suck, huge fines suck more).
Keep in touch with your team, create a training plan that team members can practice as individuals. Just because you can’t all be in the same boat, doesn’t mean you cannot be in a boat.
Set goals for yourself, paddle hard and time yourself, break your records. Can you cheer team members from shore? Help each other stay positive and active on the water, while being safe.

No matter what your city’s guidelines, if you or a team member feels unwell, do not put others at risk. Stay home or watch from shore. Continue to practice hand washing/sanitizing and masks when possible.
When we do finally climb back into the boat together, it will be as though we were never apart.