Pride parades have been postponed or cancelled in many provinces, but this does not mean that Pride will not be celebrated.
During a time when people need something to give them hope, raise their spirits and remind them that we are all here for each other, Pride will shine through.
How can you celebrate when gatherings are restricted and you have to remain 6 feet apart?
Here are 3 suggestions to get your Pride on while abiding the distancing measure the government has enacted to keep us healthy.
Pool Noodle Parade
Can you think of a better use for rainbow coloured pool noodles? We know you're creative. Pool noodle waistbands, headdresses, and skirts. Decorate them to suit your unique flare.

Organize a local parade with your friends, family and Dragon Boat team. Choose a date when you can all participate in the mini parade.
Then when you are ready to go, have your mini parade in your neighbourhood. Wave flags, have signs bring your dogs and kids. Your pool noodles will not only add fun and flare to your local parade but help you abide by the distancing measures.
Make a pool noodle dragon boat with every colour of the rainbow, make sure to get your whole team involved! No one said dragons had to be green.
Involve Local Businesses
COVID closures have negatively impacted many small business. Here is a perfect opportunity to help support them as they support Pride and the LGBTQ+ community.
If you frequent a local business, have a conversation with the owner or manager. Encourage them to hang flags, wear a supportive shirt, post flyers for outreach groups. Ask if they can promote a product or service in which a portion of the proceeds helps an LGBTQ+ cause or charity.

They can help support their LBGTQ+ customers, in return make sure you post their efforts on your social media. Showing off the business’s support of Pride on your social media in turn promotes that business.
Pride is shared with everyone and the business can rebound.
If the business owner is reluctant for any reason, don’t push them or become negative towards them. Use the opportunity to help them understand the Pride spirit in a conversational manner.
Some Other Ideas
There are way more than 3 ways to celebrate Pride, here are a few more suggestions we thought might be fun.
T-Shirt design contest at work. Get the whole office/job site on board. Or ask some friends or just your department to participate. Give everyone a ‘due date’ to create their Pride inspired shirt.
To vote, have everyone put $10 (or any amount they can afford) into a box that corresponds with their favourite design. The design that raises the most money wins. Donate the money to a local LGBTQ+ charity and the winner gets bragging rights (or a prize if your company can do so).
Bake Sale. Ask friends, family, team members, co-workers to bake a Pride themed treat. Sell treats and donate the money! You get fed and an LGBTQ+ cause gets a donation (and maybe leftover treats).

Volunteer. Many people still struggle with their identity. Often a reassuring voice or just a shoulder to cry on can make the difference between happiness and despair. If you can do nothing else for Pride, consider offering your time and your voice. It really can change someone’s life for the better.
Pride is not over because the parades were cancelled. Pride exists in each of us, we make it happen.
When you do, be sure to tag us in your posts. We want to see the amazing ways you have helped make Pride month COVID-proof.