Dragon Boat Canada is leading Dragon Boat paddlers to achieve success locally, nationally, and worldwide.
Dragon Boat Canada (DBC) is the official governing body for the sport of dragon boat racing in Canada. We aspire to give dragon boat paddlers the resources they require to perform at their best.
DBC is recognized internationally by the International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF). DBC provides our athletes support and services designed in order to develop this sport nationally.
DBC is responsible for all aspects of Canada's involvement on an international level, including:
- Canada's participation in IDBF regulated events, such as: World Nations Cup, Club Crew World Championships
- Its selection of host cities for the Canadian National Dragon Boat Championships and bids to become the host for the World Nations Cup
- Establishes selection criteria and runs trials to name the top athletes to teams that rivals top paddlers worldwide
- Management of program design and logistics for national crew racing
- Continuing to develop new services (athletes and coaches) for the future so new paddlers can train to be their best
- Promote the values of dragon boat athleticism
- Achieve success at the highest level of competition
- Help athletes become icons in their communities to inspire others to pursue exceptional goals

DBC is a federally incorporated not-for-profit corporation. It is governed by an elected Board of Directors. The board is comprised of members representing three regions of Canada.
- Western: Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan
- Central: Nunavut, Manitoba, and Ontario
- Eastern: Quebec, Newfoundland & Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia
The board is chaired by an elected President. The day-to-day operations are supported by an Executive Director.
DBC Mission Statement
Dragon Boat Canada's mission is to:
- foster the continuing development of the sport of dragon boat racing at local and national levels;
- develop and implement protocols for the selection of national crews for world championships and the sanction of crews for world club crew championships;
- sanction or host national, regional and continental championships in Canada, and to coordinate such events;
- develop and encourage safety rules for dragon boating;
- provide resources, services, and benefits to paddlers, crews, coaches, festivals, and others involved in the sport;
- develop technical standards and competition rules for sport events in Canada;
- establish and implement a coaching program, and a program to train and certify race officials;
- bring international events to Canada;
- through membership with the IDBF, encourage development of the sport internationally;
- promote a sport environment that is ethical; that is fair; that is drug-free; that is free of discrimination and harassment; that encourages participation by persons of all ages, genders, ethnicities and abilities; that recognizes French and English as its official languages; and that encourages gender equity in the polices, programs, employment, and activities of Dragon Boat Canada.